The Wandering Skeptic
Sunday, July 28, 2002
  I read some of my old stuff again for the first time in months. I wrote some really crazy stuff here. Sure, it didn't seem crazy at the time because I had lots of counterarguments. But I forgot them now, or if I remember them they seem pretty weak. It's like I wrote down a part of a puzzle and left out some of the other bits that would help the entry make sense. At the time, the puzzle was complete, because parts of it were still in my head. Now all I see are the fragments that got written down, and some of them are wrong, and some came out the wrong way.

I feel lucky I'm able to say this, though. It wasn't my original intent to really convince people of all this crap, but just to practice my reasoning and my writing. I think I succeeded (mostly) in doing that without convincing myself of all this stuff. I disagree with quite a few of my old ideas, though there are a very few essays that I really like and still ascribe to. Like the one where I talk about how there's no such thing as a right to life. But a lot of the stuff -- mostly the later entries -- were products more of forcing myself to have something to write about rather than genuinely feeling passionate about the subject. 
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
  I thought when I first joined my lab that I would still have time for all this skeptic business. I was even intent at the time on starting up a skeptic's society in the school. But I learned once again that I really am just another damn limited human being, and I don't have enough space in my life for both skepticism and the beginnings of my career. Maybe later, when I can put some of my experiements on cruise control... but for now, nothing seems to come out when I sit at the computer. Whenever I put my mind on "serious mode," all I can think about is oncology. So this blog will be continue to be (very) infrequently updated for a long time coming. 
Random thoughts and philosophies by Larry Kwong


I do postdoctoral cancer research at a private university and have a side interest in skepticism, especially where it concerns religion, evolution, and existentialism. I'm also a Bears fan. Go Bears!

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